Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Seven years ago this week I got married.

In October 2004 the marriage ended when I walked away from my marriage and wife

Seven years on I'm still not divorced, got the decree nisi and a date for the decree absolute although a List of Consent has just landed on my doorstep.

I won't go into the reasons of the break up of my marriage but after eight years together with never a crossed word once the wedding rings was worn I think the both of us changed and maybe the marriage was a way to cover over the cracks in our relationship and it didn't save it sadly.

I'm not proud of my part in the break up of my marriage and with hindsight I should have bit my lip and maybe should have tried harder to save the marriage but hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it!

Seven years on I've learned to love again but have had to start from scratch and from having everything I could ever want and never having to worry about money and spending most weekends in Paris I now have to work hard for a living to make ends meet and am lucky if I get the occasional weekend away in Skegness and have to make do with the life I've got now and yes over the last seven years I've changed and it doesn't always sit pretty with me but I've made my bed so have to lay in it no matter how uncomfortable it gets and believe me it does.

All I can say to others is if your in an unhappy relationship yes have an exit strategy but think about ways that could save your current relationship, it's all about give and take even if it doesn't always agree with you.