Friday, 31 December 2010


2010 Has been & is almost gone.

2010 was an ok year for me I guess, given the title of a Sales Manager for one of the companies I work for.

I met two of my heroes, I watched Dave Gorman do a stand up show & he signed three of his books for me & we had a chat, great fella.

I met Sir Michael Caine, well I say met, saw, went from Bedfordshire to Birmingham for a book signing, stood in line for a few hours, however not his fault but my book was taken from my hands a few minutes before getting to where he was sat signing them & sadly he hardly had time to look up so I saw Michael but no handshake or chat & a very rushed photo taken of me as I'm being pushed out of the way to make room for others.

I became an Uncle again when just as we were sitting down for Christmas dinner I got a text from my brother who's wife had just given birth a few weeks early & seeing my Dad at the table so happy was a joy to behold & gave the day a very happy vibe & there was snow on the ground so it was a very happy day.

I got Sky+ & a HD Television which has been great with me watching many episodes of The Sweeney, Minder, Hill Street Blues & Bargain Hunt.

My beloved Northampton Town beat Liverpool in the League Cup at Anfield.

I moved back into a house that I had been in many years before & it feels great to be back.

After six years apart started to get my divorce sorted out, just waiting for my decree absolute to come through.

Aims for 2011, marriage is the priority, Chas & Dave & Jethro are performing close by so hope to see them perform. The next Batman movie is doing some filming near here so shall see if I get on set as an extra & if Michael Caine is there might actually get a better chance to meet him properly even if I have to stand at the gates!!!

Would love to meet up with fellow tweeters & maybe get enough followers so I can follow more than 2001 back & to keep this blog updated with all my thoughts.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010


You will find me on Twitter a lot.

I don't have a lot of real friends in my life as I've always been a bit of a loner & prefer my own company & do get a bit wary in a crowd of people & being a non drinker I find it very difficult going to pubs & watching others make themselves look silly when tipsy.

I first discovered Twitter a few years ago when I kept hearing & reading news stories about the lovely Lily Allen so I thought I would join up & give it a go & thanks to Twitter I've made so many new friends & have even met a few of you.

I will follow anyone especially if I see a request from others or a new person joins up as just to make a connection with someone new can lead to so many possibilities, I've even gained some extra work for the various companies I'm involved with.

Yes I will put my hands up & admit I follow a lot of females but throughout my life I seem to get along with them better than by men friends as I guess they don't brag about there exploits & don't have ego's to show off?

I get a buzz when a celebrity replies to a tweet I've made & being an avid reader I've tweeted many authors & discovered new ones & bought there books, even had three that have said a character with my name will be in a forthcoming title.

I must admit there are many adult actresses that I follow & I know it might seem a bit odd but through Twitter you get to see a bit of there life & through there tweets you can see that they are normal people like you & me & for a lot of them that industry is just a job & they are really are down to earth & have many of the same feelings you & I have & to get a window in there life I enjoy seeing & many of them who have a business brain & aren't all blond bimbos as parts of the media make them out to be.

I'll tweet about anything & everything & I do give followers virtual gifts with a picture which I hope puts a smile on there faces?

I currently have 1700 followers & I am at the limit where I can only follow 2001 people due to a limit & can't wait to get to the magic figure whatever that is to follow more of you.

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

The Beginning

I've never blogged in the past but knowing so many that do I thought I would try to put down my thoughts on here & see where I go.

I am Stewart aged 41 living in Bedfordshire in the recycling game.

I spend far to much time on the Internet looking at everything & anything.

I spend far far to much time on Twitter under the name of @stewpot & I'd like to think I have many friends worldwide & I'd like to think I'm well liked by the masses.

Yes I'll put my hands up I do look at a lot of porn, mainly pictures more than videos but if it's there to look at then why not & a naked body is often a work of art despite shape, form or size.

Well that's my first posting as time goes on I will offer you my views on whatever takes my fancy.

Feel free to ask me any questions about anything at all, I'm like an open book ready to be read.