Wednesday, 29 December 2010


You will find me on Twitter a lot.

I don't have a lot of real friends in my life as I've always been a bit of a loner & prefer my own company & do get a bit wary in a crowd of people & being a non drinker I find it very difficult going to pubs & watching others make themselves look silly when tipsy.

I first discovered Twitter a few years ago when I kept hearing & reading news stories about the lovely Lily Allen so I thought I would join up & give it a go & thanks to Twitter I've made so many new friends & have even met a few of you.

I will follow anyone especially if I see a request from others or a new person joins up as just to make a connection with someone new can lead to so many possibilities, I've even gained some extra work for the various companies I'm involved with.

Yes I will put my hands up & admit I follow a lot of females but throughout my life I seem to get along with them better than by men friends as I guess they don't brag about there exploits & don't have ego's to show off?

I get a buzz when a celebrity replies to a tweet I've made & being an avid reader I've tweeted many authors & discovered new ones & bought there books, even had three that have said a character with my name will be in a forthcoming title.

I must admit there are many adult actresses that I follow & I know it might seem a bit odd but through Twitter you get to see a bit of there life & through there tweets you can see that they are normal people like you & me & for a lot of them that industry is just a job & they are really are down to earth & have many of the same feelings you & I have & to get a window in there life I enjoy seeing & many of them who have a business brain & aren't all blond bimbos as parts of the media make them out to be.

I'll tweet about anything & everything & I do give followers virtual gifts with a picture which I hope puts a smile on there faces?

I currently have 1700 followers & I am at the limit where I can only follow 2001 people due to a limit & can't wait to get to the magic figure whatever that is to follow more of you.

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