Monday, 28 November 2011


When a person becomes Ill and sometimes decide to take there own life many questions are asked and on occasions the word depression is raised.

I watched depression destroy my mum, her marriage, my childhood and even relationships I have had later on in life.

Depression I guess is classed as an illness or a condition and is so not a mental problem which so many seem to think it is.

I must admit when things go against me I can retreat within myself and go down some very dark roads in my head, I guess it's my way of blotting out pain and distress despite the jovial nature you all know I portray here and on other social networking sites.

With the NHS being cut on a regular basis I fear that any research into depression will not be forthcoming and many will suffer because of it.

Next time a friend or family member isn't happy just take a second or two and look at them and offer them a hug or a friendly word as unhappiness can manifest itself into something far more sinister and distressing.

Obviously supporting Northampton Town puts us through many emotions at the end of the day it is only a game, life however isn't.

I don't want an argument over my words above but just felt the need to get my feelings down on paper fo all to see, thank you got taking the time to read my words.

1 comment:

  1. I saw you wrote some stuff, and no arguments. Depression is real, and a real part of life. Dealing with it is accepting that. Pretending it is not there is not the answer. I think in life we all have some down days, and have to accept it deal with it, and hope for a good day the next. I feel bad for people who feel down most of the time.
